Pastor Elie Henry (right), president of the Inter-American Division, leads a series of leadership and staff meetings at the beginning of the New Year on Jan. 6, 2025, in Miami, Florida, United States. Administrators, department directors and staff members spent four days reflecting God’s blessings through evangelism and financial growth and plans ahead for the year. Roberto Brown (left)  who works in treasury, translates on stage. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

IAD leaders prayerfully review strategic plans as the year kicks off with hundreds of evangelism initiatives across the territory.

January 15, 2025 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

“The best way to stay united is to stay informed,” said Pastor Elie Henry, president of the Inter-American Division (IAD), as fellow administrators, department directors, and staff members gathered last week to reflect on God’s blessings in 2024 and discuss the mission efforts ahead for 2025.

During the meetings from January 6-8, 2025, leaders prayed together, reviewed ongoing evangelism initiatives, and assessed financial growth across the board. They also went over integrated evangelism initiatives in place to reach at least 120,000 baptisms by the end of April. During the church’s recent year-end business meetings, leaders in the 24 IAD unions voted to intensify evangelism efforts to aim for more than 200,000 baptisms in 2025—an annual target that hasn’t been reached in over a decade.

Pastor Al Powell, youth ministries director of the IAD, jots down details as leaders review the four major baptismal celebration to take place by April 26, 2025. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

A Call to Keep Moving Forward

“God has called us to finish the work He has entrusted to us, forging ahead no matter the obstacles,” said Pastor Henry. “We must remain focused on the mission to reach more people with the gospel, educate the church, and serve humanity—no matter the challenges.”

Overcoming growth challenges will require doubling efforts in discipling both new and seasoned members, keeping them engaged and focused on the mission of the church, IAD leaders said. It will also involve mobilizing the membership, investing time and money to reach cities, communities, and people groups with specific mission initiatives. Achieving this will require close collaboration between the church’s departments and ministries across all 24 unions, or major regions, in the territory, they said.

Pastor Melchor Ferreyra, personal ministries director of the IAD, explains the ongoing evangelism efforts engaging thousands of small groups preparing new believers for baptisms on Jan. 25, 2025, across the territory. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

Engaging Every Member in the Mission

The year 2025 will see churches engaged under the church’s strategic action initiative coined as “All the family in Mission,” which seeks to involve every member in the family of God to be engaged in participating in personal and public evangelism outreach mission initiatives, preaching the gospel in preparation of Jesus’ soon coming.

“Effective soul-winning begins with each member growing in their relationship with the Lord,” said Pastor Balvin Braham, vice president of the IAD overseeing evangelism. “That personal spiritual growth motivates members to develop a passion for the salvation of others.” The “All the Family in Mission” initiative will build on the momentum of 2024, calling on all members, pastors, and leaders to participate in mission work intentionally and collaboratively.

Pastor Elie Henry (center) leads leadership meetings next to fellow administrators Pastor Leonard Johnson (left), executive secretary and Ivelisse Herrera (right), treasurer, on Jan. 7, 2025. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

IAD leaders also reviewed four major baptismal celebration dates. These events are expected to result in thousands of baptisms through small group ministries across the territory. The first will take place on January 25, followed by additional baptisms on February 22, March 29, and a culminating celebration on April 26, 2025.

Collaboration Essential for Success

All the Family in Mission will only be successful if all the church’s departments and ministries are integrated in executing the planned initiatives, Pastor Henry explained. Leaders discussed the baptismal projections for each department and ministry, which will involve a variety of mission initiatives, including educational and health services, community outreach, and soul-winning programs. These efforts are expected to increase the number of committed, active members across the IAD territory.

IAD leaders pray together during strategic mission initiatives meetings, Jan. 7-8, 2025. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

All the Family in Mission is only achievable when all the departments and ministries of the church are integrated in executing all the special initiatives and activities planned and set in motion, said Pastor Henry.

The Urgency of the Mission

“We must quickly carry out the task before us, for we have very little time,” emphasized Pastor Henry. “We must rely on God to guide our steps and help us show His love, collaborating with passionate brothers and sisters in the field who continue to give their all to prepare others for Jesus’ return.”

Pastor Kyoshin Ahn (right), executive secretary of the North American Division, delivers a spiritual message to IAD leaders and staff members on Jan. 6, 2025, as Abilio Cima (left), undertreasurer of the IAD translates. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

Pastor Kyoshin Ahn, executive secretary of the North American Division, spoke to IAD leaders and staff, urging them to remain faithful in continuing God’s mission. “We are invited to fill the vacuum left by Jesus after His ascension, so that we can continue His work through the preaching of the gospel,” said Pastor Ahn. “What we do this year matters forever. In the face of challenges, let us remember we are participating in God’s mission.”

“What we want to do in 2025 is to intensify our efforts—not to end a successful quinquennium, but to align with the General Conference’s world mission initiatives,” Pastor Henry stated. “We aim to get more members involved in spreading the good news, filling the divine vacuum left for us to complete the work God has given us.”

Siblings Nia-Rhode, John-Harley, and John-Kenley of K. Voices Ministry sing during worship service on Jan. 6, 2025. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

In the coming days, IAD leaders will review upcoming initiatives, events, and activities with union and conference/mission administrators to ensure the mission stays on track.

For more information on the IAD’s initiatives and activities, visit


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