Online event encourages spiritual growth, prayer, and unity as pastors and families prepare for a year of increased evangelism.

January 16, 2025 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Seventh-day Adventist pastors and their families throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory will have the opportunity to worship and pray together during this year’s annual week of prayer from January 27-31, 2025.

The online event aims to inspire pastors, their spouses, and children to study the Word of God, pray together, and gain the spiritual strength needed to continue serving the church and engaging leaders and members in spreading the gospel within their communities.

“We are thrilled to emphasize the importance of reassuring our pastoral families of God’s guidance and strength as they continue to motivate and engage their congregations in the mission work entrusted to us as His children,” said Pastor Josney Rodríguez, Ministerial Association secretary of the IAD.

[Image: IAD Ministerial Association]

The week is themed “Anointed Until the End,” a reminder to pastoral families of their role as servants of God, anointed by the Holy Spirit, as they shepherd their congregations. The theme also reassures them that God is with them every step of the way in their ministry, Rodríguez said.

This year’s special emphasis will feature guest speakers from across the IAD territory, addressing topics such as knowing God’s reassuring presence, facing life’s challenges, serving faithfully, dreaming and trusting in God’s promises, and having the assurance of being sustained by God’s grace and reward.

The week of prayer coincides with a year-long focus on doubling evangelism efforts and preparing families to continue leading in mission during Inter-America’s All the Family in Mission initiative, a territory-wide campaign this year.

To view the ministerial week of prayer starting Jan. 27, 2025 at 8:30 p.m. (Miami Time), go to For additional resources, click HERE



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