Miami, Florida…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Every year, the staff of the Inter-American Division (IAD) Headquarter office in Miami, Florida, makes donations to a special project during Christmastime. This year’s project will help Colombian Islands Mission Secondary School in San Andres in the Colombia Islands become a self-supporting school.

The project has several aims: the repair of existing classrooms and campus buildings, purchasing seven school buses, purchasing computers, planting 4,000 plantain trees, building an irrigation system on the fertile property of the school, and establishing agricultural training as part of the curriculum. The funds will also subsidize half of the tuition of 100 students of low income families.

“We appeal to you to give,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president for the church in Inter-America as he spoke to IAD office employees during a Christmas luncheon. “We need to bring this school to its former glory, to not just benefit the school but also the community around them.”

In the 1960's, the school began small and grew larger. In 1982, the school saw its first high school graduation and had over 600 students attending.

The school became well-known in the island for its excellent education. However, due to urban development in the area, the school was forced to sell its property and move to a new location approximately 10 kilometers from the city.

In 1993, the new campus was inaugurated, but enrollment suffered because of lack of transportation. As a result, there was insufficient funds for the upkeep of the classrooms and buildings, according to school officials.

Officials hope that, based on profits from the sales of plantain, enrollment will grow to 1,200 and the school will be able to participate in community projects.

Funds collected so far amount to over US$6,600.

To contribute to this project, send donations to the Inter-American Division, Treasury Department, for Colegio Modelo Adventista in the Colombian Islands, 8100 SW 117th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33183 or call 305.403.4700.

Image by Image by ANN. Colegio Modelo Adventista/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Colegio Modelo Adventista/IAD

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