The Seventh-day Adventist Church in West Jamaica recently celebrated its 50 years of relocation of its headquarters from Mandeville to Montego Bay.

In declaring that he too is celebrating 50 years of residence in Montego Bay, Custos of St James Ewen Corrodus commended the Adventist Church for its involvement in changing the lives of many in the western part of the Island.

«Fifty years of service is a great achievement,» said Custos Corrodus. «You have preached the gospel, you have educated and trained, you have ministered to the poor and the needy, the sick and the discouraged and I thank you whole-heartedly on behalf of all who have benefited. As you move forward I wish for you God’s continued leading and His rich blessings.»

The thanksgiving service was held at the Adventist Conference center in Mount Salem, Montego Bay, Feb. 5, 2012.

In bring greetings on behalf of the Government of Jamaica, Lloyd B. Smith, Member of Parliament for Central St. James congratulated the Conference on it’s achievement and highlighted the fact that the Adventist Church in Jamaica was the largest single religious group.

«I urged you» he said, «not to be overwhelmed by numbers in terms of quantity but today be inspired by quality because it is by doing the work of the Lord that you are rewarded.»

«I am impressed by the fact that the Adventist Church has spent a great deal of time focusing on education, youth development, community development and the holistic development of all your members.»

The West Jamaica Conference has been serving the communities in the western Parishes of St. Elizabeth, Westmoreland, St. James and Hanover. Through its two high schools – Harrison Memorial and Savanna la Mar – and six preparatory schools, thousands have been educated and trained and are now serving the society in various capacities.

«We will continue to serve the community and further the cause of humanity,» said Pastor Astor Bowers, president for the church in West Jamaica. As part of the celebration on July 15, 2012, the members in all our 225 congregations will be embarking on projects to uplift the communities. These include: building and repairing of homes for those in need, beautification public buildings such as police stations, along with our regular feeding programs.»

In his address to the gathering, Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Adventist world church challenged the members to be faithful as they go forward.

«God is calling you today to be faithful witnesses as you launch into your 51st year,» said Pastor Wilson. «Is your faithfulness after 50 years known to all who come in contact with you?»

«We are very grateful for the kind and appreciative words from business leaders and Government leaders, but what about those on your street, in your neighborhood and in your own family? Are you faithful in presenting God to them? Are you convinced that God has a plan for you in West Jamaica Conference and God’s remnant Church?»

He further charged, «Be a faithful witness in this secular, materialistic, and post-modern world. God has called us to give the trumpet a certain sound and to warn persons of His soon coming.»

The West Jamaica Conference, which in 1962 had 12,000 members in 105 congregations covering St. Elizabeth, Westmoreland, St. James, Trelawny and Hanover, now has membership of 77,000 worshiping in 225 congregations with four parishes.

For more on the church in West Jamaica Conference, visit

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