April 2024


Adventist Education Week 2024

By Education

About the event

This program is developed in the interest of strengthening family ties from a Christian perspective, thus focusing on providing parents with practical tools to meet educational and social challenges, promote family unity, and consolidate the home as a pillar in the construction of the student’s reality, so that throughout the development of this program it is intended:

1. To provide a space where families can deepen their understanding of the Christian faith, seeking to understand how Christian principles and values allow the consolidation of a solid home and their influence in other spheres of society.

2. Promote activities and reflections focused on family unity and connection, strengthening emotional and spiritual bonds among family members.

3. Develop resources and practical activities for families to integrate Christian values into their daily lives actively.

4. Create moments of celebration and worship that reinforce the joy of serving and living a Christian life as a family, generating a positive and thankful environment.

5. Encourage families to commit to the principles learned, providing them with resources and strategies to maintain and develop a family life rooted in Christian foundations.


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