November 30, 2010 – Mayaguez, Puerto Rico…Freddy Sosa/IAD Staff

Bella Vista Hospital (BVH), an institution operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Puerto Rico, inaugurated its latest rehabilitation center in Mayaguez, on Nov. 22, 2010. The $4 million facility will offer specialized services throughout the western part of the island.

“We are happy that this service will have the capacity to see 25 patients who need aggressive and continued treatment while they are hospitalized in our institution,” said Jesus Nieves, BVH administrator.

The rehabilitation center will offer physical, occupational, and speech therapy 24 hours a day every day.

The center has 15 medical staff who will tend to the patients with head trauma and amputations, which are the most frequent cases that come into the hospital, according to Nieves.

In addition, the center will offer social work, psychology, counseling and spiritual guidance.

“This center has been designed to restore patients who come through our facilities to their full capabilities so they can continue their goals in life,” Nieves said.

Established in 1954, Bella Vista Hospital is one of 13 Adventist hospitals in Inter-America. It opened a state-of-the-art cancer institute earlier in 2009. BVH has 210 beds and a medical staff of over 200.

For more information onBella Vista Hospital and its services, visit

Image by Image by ANN. Puerto Rican Union/IAD

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